Images and prices of items will be added as made available in the store. Prices may be different during sale times, special events, or special promotions and are subject to change. Items may or may not be available in the actual shop - as they are rotated in and out of sales.
Some items have multiple durations (ex: 7 day, 30 day), but not all durations may be actively available. Some items also have permanent versions of themselves that may or may not be released in the future but were made regardless for specific reasons (such as specific events or rewarding to the creator). These permanent versions are statless with the exception of the Red Sensei Suit, Sakura Costume, and Black Cat Ears (these three are purchasable as well).
Use this as a guide when making purchases. In no way is the Slime Coin Database the actual Item Shop. To go to the Fiesta North America Item Shop, please click HERE.